Postcard Image of Jorgensen’s Inn in Stockholm, NJPrior to 1948, Lewis’ Hillside Villa was a Popular Roadside Attraction that would become Jorgensen’s Inn
Long time residents of the area may recall Jorgensen’s Inn, the large rambling country restaurant that served bounteous American fare in six antique‐filled dining rooms. It will be remembered as an attractive setting for travelers, skiers and local residents to relax and enjoy a leisurely dinner. In its heyday during the late 60s thru the early 80s Jorgensen’s was a far cry from the hot dog stand on the old Hamburg‐Paterson Turnpike that first bore the name – Lewis’ Hillside Villa over 90 years ago. To fully appreciate the history that led to Jorgensen’s, one has to return to around 1926, when George W. Lewis, son of James M. and Josephine Sisco Lewis, acquired a parcel of land formerly owned by Frances M. and George J. Rude.
George Lewis Installed One of the Early Gas Pumps for Motorist on Route 8 (Present Day State Highway No. 23)
This property was north of the lands of William G. Walker. George had a very spacious three-story frame dwelling built upon the land. His wife, Anne, soon created colorful gardens around the front of the house. George was a very industrious man who had visions of creating a complex to continue operating his repair shop and open a restaurant to accommodate tourists. With the advent of the automobile, Stockholm and the surrounding area was increasing in popularity as a destination for motorists traveling on Route 8. (present day State Highway No. 23) George systematically increased the size of the complex and in 1927, he purchased the Walker home and had it moved to his growing conglomerate of buildings. When the Patriotic Order Sons of America Hall property was sold to the City of Newark, he purchased that hall and had it moved to his growing enterprise.
After the careful footprint of structures was assembled, the repair shop and motorcycle garage was established in the renovated hall. George had gasoline pumps installed as this was becoming a need not only for the community, but to accommodate the many tourists who came through the area. It was the only gasoline pump in the vicinity between Franklin and Newfoundland. The complex also contained a general store and post office. The Post Office was moved from the old store in Stockholm to this site; Lewis was Post Master from Oct. 12, 1914, until his death in 1945. George also opened a restaurant on the site which became a popular attraction not only for the community but for the tourist trade and christened the operation with the name: Lewis’ Hillside Villa
Early Postcard from Lewis’ Hillside Villa Circa 1930
Over many years of operation, improvements were made to the buildings. A picnic area, tennis court and swimming pool were added to complex. For many years, the businesses were successful; and he advertised by having postcards made. From the Walther Postcard Collection is this undated postcard. George Walther Lewis was born Dec. 6, 1885 and died Dec. 10, 1945. He married on June 15, 1909, Anna E. Gormley, born Aug. 9, 1886, died Aug. 22, 1974. Both were buried at Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Butler. They had three children: Leon W., Llawayne M., and Gerard C. Lewis.
1909 Wedding Photograph of George and Anna Lewis. Courtesy of Leon Lewis
Leon Walther Lewis, born Apr. 10, 1911 married on Sept. 17, 1938, Rosa B. Milan, born Mar. 26, 1918. He was an electrician and TV repairman. They lived in Lake Stockholm. Their children were: Georgeanna, born Sept. 25, 1941, married, later divorced, James Fernandez, their children were Lisa A., and Raymond L. Fernandez; Rita M., born June 1, 1945, married George D. Wildrick Sr., their children were George D. Wildrick Jr. and Jennifer; and Rosemary, born July 2, 1947, married Thomas H. Davies, Sr., and their children were Thomas H. Davies, Jr. and Patricia L. Davies. The author had several visits with Leon Lewis in February 1977. He graciously shared his family history and allowed the author to make copies from the family photo collection.
Llawayne Marie Lewis, born May 4, 1912, married Daniel Dietz, born Sept. 24, 1912 and their children were: Daniel Jr., Donald and Diann M. Dietz. Gerard Clifford Lewis, born May 27, 1913, married Alameda Flood born Apr. 10, 1918, they had no children. They lived at Lake Stockholm. Gerard C. Lewis provided a family tree of the Lewis family.
After George Lewis’ death, Anna sold the restaurant business to Mr. and Mrs. Martin McDonough in March 1946. Gerard Lewis served in World War II, and returned to Stockholm on June 21, 1948. He purchased the garage business from the McDonough’s. Gerard successfully operated the business until 1966 when he sold it to Ray Fowler. The title then passed to Richard Jorgensen. The Jorgensen’s remodeled the entire complex that was to be used solely as a restaurant. The restaurant has had successive owners who operated the restaurant.
Idylease was frequented by many members of the Strait and Day family members since the Inn was opened in 1903 by Dr. Edgar A. Day. There are many accounts written in letters, postcards where they commented “went to Idylease to visit Edgar……or George……. or May”. One of the family members had been a nursing home patient at Idylease where she spent the last years of her life. She was my great Aunt Alice E. Crain. She had lead a very interesting productive life and I have many fond memories of her.
Alice Edith Crain was born July 22, 1884, the daughter of Amos B. Crain and Lydia Post Crain of Milton, Jefferson Township, Morris County. She had a sister, Malinda B. Crain, born Nov. 3,1891 who was my grandmother. Alice and Malinda were devoted sisters for the rest of their lives.
During the early 1900’s, Alice and Malinda were employed by their aging Aunt Martha Strait who resided in the family home located on the old Paterson-Hamburg Turnpike near the Sussex and Passaic County lines. Malinda was paid 50 cents a week to help Aunt Martha manage her household. Alice was also employed as a housekeeper and was paid $1.00 a week. Alice had earned more money than Malinda, as she had a goal to become a teacher. Her wages were to help pay for schooling at the East Stroudsburg Normal School in Pennsylvania where she graduated as a teacher on June 23, 1909. From the Crain Family Photograph Collection is this undated photograph of Alice E. Crain. Her dress is typical of the period of 1910, and I do believe that this photograph was taken at the time of her graduation. During her course of studies and after her graduation, she taught at various schools in the area. She remained at the home of her parents. Yet, often continued helping her Aunt Martha.
Malinda had married Aaron C. Willis, son of Joseph B. and Harriet DeGraw Willis of Silver Grove, Hardyston Township, Sussex County. They were married at the Strait homestead on Dec. 25, 1909. They made their first home upon the Strait homestead in what was called the summer house. Two children were born here, Ernest A. in 1910 and Robert G. in 1917. Alice became a frequent visitor doting upon her new nephews. Many pictures that were taken of the family between 1910 through 1918, were either taken by Alice or she appeared in them. From the Crain/Willis Family Photo Collection is an undated photograph taken at the Strait homestead. Motorcycles with sidecars were commonly used by the residents of Stockholm. Aaron unable to purchase an automobile, choose the motorcycle as his mode of transportation. The sidecar was added to transport his family. Shown seated left to right: Alice E. Crain, Ernest, Malinda and Aaron. They were on their way to church services at the Stockholm Methodist Church where they were members.
When Aaron and Malinda moved to Ogdensburg in 1918, Alice was a frequent visitor to their home, especially when a new nephew was born on Sept. 28, 1919, Ralph A. Willis who was my father. Uncle Ernie was the second member of our family to have acquired a college degree. While in college he met Francesca Bezner to whom he married. They made their home in Cedartown, Georgia. Though they had no children, they became active in many cultural and civic organizations.
Uncle Ernie was also an avid photographer. At one time, he had borrowed my grandmother’s photo album and reproduced the photos in a 5 x 7-inch format and sent the album to Aunt Alice. She had added to the album early photographs of the students of the schools where she was a teacher, but did not indicate the name of the school. She also added several newspaper clippings as keepsakes.
Alice had taught in various schools, including those in Bloomingdale and Butler. Much to the family’s amazement, Alice had married one of her pupils, John Sisco who was born Nov. 26, 1902, the son of Giles Sisco and Elizabeth Mowerson of Holland Mountain. As a young adult, I do recall listening to my grandmother’s recount of it, but paid little heed to it. However, in Aunt Alice’s photo album two items were of great interest. From a newspaper clipping dated June 30, 1923, is an announcement of their wedding.
The name of Crane is the original spelling for this family. However, their grandfather James Crain of West Milford was illiterate, and when the census records were made, the census taker had spelled the name as Crain. This was the name used by all of James Crain and Mary Strait Crain descendants.
From the Crain/Willis Photo Collection is an undated photograph of the wedding party. Standing left to right are: Tharp, age 36 who was mentally disabled, Alice’s brother; Amos B. Crain, age 70 and Lydia Post Crain, age 70, Alice’s parents; Bessie Sisco, John’s sister; and William Weston. Front row, left to right, Gladys Sisco, John’s niece; John Sisco, groom, Alice Crain Sisco, bride and Robert Willis, son of Aaron and Malinda Willis.
At that time, John Sisco had worked for the City of Newark, and they resided in Stockholm. Alice continued teaching school until she retired in 1924. Later, he worked for American Hard Rubber Company in Butler. They made their home in Bloomingdale. Here they celebrated their 25th Wedding anniversary on June 30, 1948.
While pushing his car out of a snow bank, John died from a heart attack on Dec. 20, 1948 and was buried in the Milton Cemetery in Jefferson Township, Morris County.
Alice was a grieving widow for many years, but became actively involved with the Methodist church in Bloomingdale and the Stockholm Methodist Church. When our family made the annual visits to my grandparent’s home in Ogdensburg, we often went to visit Aunt Alice. She was a robust woman who had a quick smile, a sparkle in her eyes, and a resounding laugh. Delighted to see her grand nieces and nephews, she always had milk and cookies ready for us. Then, we had to quietly retreat to a safe corner. I always choose one of the several rocking chairs in her home. It was made of sturdy pine, with a lattice back, and slated seat of a rich amber pine. The seat was low enough that I could point my toe on the floor to give a shove for rocking back and forth. This chair now sets on my front porch where I can relax, rock a bit and view the activities of the neighborhood.
Much later, Aunt Alice developed a form of leukemia and became very sickly. My grandmother was not in good health as well. It was determined that Aunt Alice would sell her home. She chose to go to a nursing home which at one time was a joyous occasion for grandmother and Aunt Alice to visit when the Day family had owned the property. It was the Idylease Convalescent Nursing Home.
On one of the family visits to my grandparents, grandmother had wanted our family to visit with Aunt Alice at Idylease. The occasion is still vivid in my mind. At that time, I was a very young teenager engaged in the pangs of growing up and was not interested in visiting this sickly elderly woman who grandmother spoke about with a broken heart. I only wanted to remember as a dear lively doting aunt.
The ride to Newfoundland seemed long, and was crowded as seven people were in my father’s car. I sat in the back seat crammed against a window. But, as we drove along old Route 23, which at the time was a single lane winding road, the scenery was lit by bright sunshine with a sky of azure blue. There were occasions we could see a river, then a large span of water (Oak Ridge Reservoir). The rolling hills were richly covered with all kinds of trees, the leaves gently blowing in the wind. But, my mind wondered to my friends back home with whom I probably would be at the park on a swing. Soon, we came to turn off unto another Road, (Union Valley Road). Just another tree line road; and I was becoming bored.
Then, I saw a large white mansion with many windows and a huge front porch which was rather appealing sitting on the rise of a sea of grass. As we drove up a wide long driveway the building became more impressive. Grandmother announced: “We are here”. It was Idylease Inn.
The Main Lobby at Idylease as it appeared at the time of Beth Willis visit to see her aunt Alice Crain Sisco
After we parked the car, we rose the wide steps, and stepped upon the longest front porch I had ever seen. After opening the glassed doorway which seemed to creak, we entered a small glassed lined entry way. Then, entered a larger room with several curved arches, the ceilings were quite tall. All around the room were rich brown wood trimmings; there were several comfortable chairs with some old people quietly reading books. Small tables topped with doilies and knickknacks adorned the room. Despite the large sunlit windows, it seemed dark and gloomy. The windows were open and a gentle breeze flowed through the room.
As I walked behind the adults, I clicked the heels of my Mary Jane shoes on the wooden floor. A slight echo could be heard. Dad sharply turned around, and I immediately got a stern glare and a “no shake” of his head. My mother instantly reminded us that we “were to be seen and not heard, our manners to be politely at our best”. We then ascended a large staircase with wide railings which were smooth to touch of my hand by the years of constant use. There was a faint odor of pine oil wafting in the air. The woodwork had probably just been cleaned.
As we approached Aunt Alice’s room, mother gave us the “silent signal”, lips pursed and a pointed finger over her lips. Much to my surprise, Aunt Alice was sitting up in bed, propped by a mound of pillows. There was a broad smile on her face, and a sparkle in her eyes. This was the Aunt Alice I had always remembered. She was delighted to see us, and asked several questions about “what have you been doing this summer….”. Then, a slight tug on my dress was given by mother. It was the signal to quietly retreat so that the adults could converse. After a while, the face of Aunt Alice changed. Grandma said Alice was tiring and we should let her rest. It was time for us to leave. Then, I saw the dark circles under her eyes. Yet, just before we left, she gave one last broad smile and a wave goodbye. This was the last time I saw Aunt Alice.
For several more years she remained at Idylease our family did not visit her as she became seriously ill. She died on Feb. 1, 1964. As it was winter, and we had several bad snowstorms that year, it was decided that we would not be able to attend her funeral. She was buried next to her beloved husband at the Milton cemetery.
When I had moved to live with my grandfather, he had requested that every Memorial Day we go to the cemeteries to plant flowers at the foot of the family headstones. Grandpa always choose red geraniums which were one of my grandmother’s favorite plants as they lasted the longest and were of a bright cheerful color. As I helped him plant, he would recall some special memory he had of the loved ones we were honoring. For Aunt Alice, he always commented that she always had a “happy smile”. Indeed, it seemed fitting for her as I too remember her being a woman who had a long, productive life with a smiling face, sparkle in her eyes, and being a caring and loving aunt.
This Blogpost celebrates my beloved grandmother, Malinda B. Crain Willis and her loving sister, Alice Crain Sisco 7 Wausau Street, Ogdensburg, NJ. Photograph taken in 1942.
Students at Paradise Knoll School — Do they know where the school derived its name from?
I attended Paradise Knoll Elementary School from 1971-1977. I have many fond memories of my time there as well as a student. I also have wonderful memories of the various events that took place on Friday nights as a member of Cub Scout Pack 44 and Kathy Rupp as my den leader.
Dr Arthur Zampella was the Cub-Master of Cub Scout Troop 44 in Newfoundland, NJ
The most anticipated scouting event in the gym was the annual pinewood derby with the track set up from the stage down onto the gym floor. I had the added benefit of having my dad as the cubmaster. I remember him playing Santa Claus every year at the holiday party.
It never dawned on me in my years while at Paradise Knoll, the origins of either Paradise Road nor the namesake school that educated local children for many years. I seems to me that current day perception of the geographic center of Paradise is the development of homes and the surrounding vicinity of the elementary school. In fact, the namesake of Paradise has it’s origins quite deep into the interior of current day Newark Watershed property on the eastern periphery of Dunkers Pond. As you will read further down the page, Anthony Ludlow Day established a homestead deep in the heart of Paradise. In the coming weeks I intend to hike into the area in hopes of locating the homestead site. Anthony Ludlow Day was the father of Dr. Edgar Day who would go on to build Idylease in the summer of 1902.
I do not recall any block of instruction that addressed it’s history or any block of instruction on general local history. As a 1984 graduate of West Milford High School there was never any discussion or curriculum about West Milford history.
As a preservationist and one keenly interested in the past, I thought I might share some early history that was provided to me by Beth Willis whose family relatives hailed from the area during the mid 20th century. Beth is a wonderful resource of written and oral history, and has written a 639 page manuscript which chronicles some of the families that had lived on Paradise Road. A copy of the manuscript entitled “The Inhabitants of the Neighborhood…… A Pictorial History of Snufftown, now Stockholm, Hardyston Township, Sussex County, New Jersey and it Vicinity” has been donated by her to the West Milford Public Library as a reference source material.
The following excerpt is re-published from Author Beth Willis’ manuscript.
The Origins of Paradise
Paradise was a name given to a small community of farmers living in the foothills of the Ramapo Moutains in West Milford Township. It was a very remote area. The name was derived from the Angle family, or Angel as some old timers called them, that first settled in the area. Elizabeth S. Day gave an account of Paradise from an explanation given to her by her mother, Elizabeth Strait Day. Elizabeth Day was a descendant of John Angle whose brother Samuel Angle settled in the hills of West Milford. “At one time, there was living on the hill, not only the Angle family, but a family named McCloud. A Methodist preacher holding services at the Clinton School house humorously described them in a letter to his father, ‘I preached until the Angels and the Clouds met. It was he who thought that the earthly dwelling place of these celestial beings’ should bear the name of Paradise”. The name has since adhered to the community.
There were farmers in this area whose descendants had intermarried with several generations living on their ancestral lands. They were William Kimble, Samuel Angle, Silas VanOrden, William Cole, William Wagoner, John Stickles, and Charles Card. Anthony Ludlow Day saw possibilities of establishing a large farm in the area as well. Home sites for these families were shown on the 1861 Hopkins map of West Milford Township.
Two descendants of these families eventually wrote extensive histories. One being Elizabeth S. Day about the “Life of Anthony Ludlow Day 1818-1898” written Dec. 25, 1918. The other being “A History of the Old Days” by Ella V. Card which was a compilation of her notes she kept of her family, and typewritten by her daughter, Dessel K. Fehr, in November 1974. It is from these family histories that this information is based upon. They make delightful reading as to the insight of their lives and times.
The lands in West Milford Township were subject to the land acquisitions by the East Jersey Water Company for building the Clinton Reservoir. Later, the City of Newark acquired additional lands to insure the quality of the water be free from pollution. Most of the area consisted of small farms of poor farmers who were willing to sell their lands. There were only a few properties that the owners refused to sell to the City of Newark. Though the lands in West Milford were not researched, the history of the area is based on the writings of Elizabeth S. Day and Ella V. Card.
The Road to Paradise
From the Day photo collection is a picture of the Day homestead. The photograph was taken by J.P. Crayon, probably in the 1880’s.
Just below the lands of Silas B. Day was a fork in the road. The fork to the left was the Canistear Road, and the fork to the right was called Dunker Pond Road. It was a very windy road and made a few sharp curves that eventually led to the Paradise Road bounding on the east lines of Anthony L. Day’s property. Then, it intersected with the Paradise Road that is a north- south road which traveling southerly one would come into the Newfoundland area.
From “Life of Anthony L. Day”, by Elizabeth S. Day is an account of the Dunker Pond Road. When writing the history of her father, Elizabeth visited the homestead, and along the route took photographs to preserve its history. These pictures ware part of the Strait and Walther Photo Collections taken about 1910-1915.
Elizabeth wrote, “The highway from Stockholm ran through the middle of the low grounds and right across, or through a perpetual pool of water, which father and mother, after reading Pilgrim’s Progress, had named ‘the Slough of Despond’. “Tons of logs and stones and other material had been dumped into this pool to make a causeway over which teams could pass, but additional material was always needed to make the road safe. Occasionally one of our cows became mired in the pool beside the road and could be extricated only with the greatest difficulty. Once father sought to measure the depth of the pool. Three iron rods, each twelve feet long, were let down by the side of the road and screwed together as they were lowered. The extended rod, thus made was thirty- six feet long, failed to touch bottom! Through father’s influence, the county afterward placed a substantial bridge over the ‘Slough of Despond’.
1861 Map showing the location of the Day Homestead & “Origin of Paradise”
Continuing easterly on the road, one would come to Dunker Pond. Elizabeth wrote, “Thinking to reclaim more of this fertile land, father spent about fifteen hundred dollars in blasting out the rocks which formed a natural dam at the outlet of Dunker Pond. Because of this work, done at the suggestion and under the superintendence of Edgar, the surface of the pond was lowered about three feet and the draining of the valley rendered more complete”.
As one continued across the low ground toward Paradise, “the road came to the foot of the large hill on the eastern side of the valley, and then climbed abruptly up to the farmhouse, which stood about a hundred feet higher than the valley below. This long hill had always taxed the strength of horses, and drivers were obligated to halt their teams for rest two or three times on each upward journey. Another appropriate name was borrowed from Pilgrim’s Progress and this long, tedious pull from the low grounds became the ‘Hill of Difficulty’.